
Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust. It runs on top of tokio and is probably the most mature rust web framework, with lots of available crates. → website

illustration of Actix-Web
Actix-Web embed and serve static asset files

Example of how to embed a folder os static assets into the final binary and serve them on configured routes from actix-web.

Rust Actix-Web HTTP Basic Auth

Protect simple admin website areas with basic auth in actix-web, including safety against timing attacks. Pragmatic choice for single-admin web sites or quickly securing a resource.

Rust actix-web with maud

How to use maud in actix web as a lightweight template engine.

Rust Maud Templates

How to build parent templates/partials with Rust in maud, using a simple functional component.

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