OTP Multiple Supervised Agent Workers

How to have multiple supervised agent processes of the same type in Elixir.

in the agent module:

def worker_spec(name) do
  id = "#{__MODULE__}.#{String.capitalize(name)}" |> String.to_atom()
  Supervisor.child_spec({__MODULE__, name: id}, id: id)

Important is line 2. This function can dynamically create specs for the supervisor by overriding the :id property. This way, you can have the same module/agent supervised multiple times.

Then use the agent in it’s supervisor module:

def init(_opts) do
  children = [
  Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Important is line 3. This function can dynamically create specs for the supervisor by overriding the :id property. This way, you can have the same module/agent supervised multiple times.

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